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Chen J, Zhao JT, Erickson DL, Xia NH, Kress WJ. 2015. Testing DNA barcodes in closely related species of curcuma (zingiberaceae) from myanmar and china. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 337-348.
Chen J, Lindstrom AJ, Xia NH. 2015. Curcuma woodii (zingiberaceae), a new species from thailand. Phytotaxa 227: 75-82.
Deng YF, Xia NH. 2015. Notes on the type designation of magnolia odoratissima (magnoliaceae). Taxon 64: 586-588.
Greco TM, Pinto MM, Tombolato AFC, Xa NH. 2015. Diversity of bamboo in brazil. Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany 23: 1-16.
Tong YH, Xia NH. 2015. Vaccinium damingshanense sp nov (ericaceae) from guangxi, china. Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 74-78.
Vu TC, Duy NV, Phan NHT, Tran VT, Van Tiep N, Xia NH. 2015. Additions to the vietnamese species of magnolia l., sect. Gwillimia dc. (magnoliaceae). Adansonia 37: 13-18.
Ye YS, Bai L, Xia NH. 2015. Zingiber hainanense (zingiberaceae), a new species from hainan, china. Phytotaxa 217: 73-79.
Zhang JF, Bai L, Xia NH, Peng ZQ. 2015. Hoya yingjiangensis (apocynaceae, asclepiadoideaea), a new campanulate-flowered species from yunnan, china. Phytotaxa 219: 283-288.
Zhang ZX, Xia NH, Gornall RJ. 2015. Leaf venation patterns in the genus saxifraga (saxifragaceae). Phytotaxa 221: 123-136.
Cao L-M, Cao M, Liu J-H, Wang Z-X, Lin Q, Xia N-H. 2014. Sporogenesis and gametogenesis of delavaya toxocarpa (sapindaceae) and their systematic implications. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 52: 533-539.
Deng YF, Xia NH. 2014. Acidosasa (poaceae: Bambusoideae): Publication by descriptio generico-specifica and typification. Taxon 63: 400-402.
Ding CC, Fang XJ, Zhao YL, Li GX, Li T, Wang YZ, Xia NH. 2014. Rapid identification of dendrobium plants based on near infrared diffuse reflection spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 34: 82-86.
Hung VD, Xia NH. 2014. Two new species in castanopsis (fagaceae) from vietnam and their leaf cuticular features. Phytotaxa 186: 029-041.
Nguyen Van T, Xia N-h, Le Viet L. 2014. Dendrocalamus longivaginatus (poaceae, bambusoideae), a new species from vietnam. Novon 23: 302-306.
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Tong YH, Xia NH. 2014. New taxa of agapetes (ericaceae) from myanmar. Phytotaxa 184: 39-45.
Tran VT, Xia N-H, Hoang Nghia N, My Hanh D. 2014. Cephalostachyum chevalieri a new synonym of kinabaluchloa wrayi (poaceae: Bambusoideae), and a new bamboo record for vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 32: 468-470.
Xu BQ, Hao G, Xia NH. 2014. Saussurea haizishanensis sp. Nov. (compositae, cardueae) from sichuan, china. Nordic Journal of Botany 32: 154-159.
Tong YH, Xu WB, Deng YF, Wong KM, Xia NH. 2013. Rubovietnamia sericantha (rubiaceae: Gardenieae), a new combination and notes on the genus in china. Garden's Bulletin Singapore 65: 107-114.
Zheng C, Lin R, Ni J, Xia N. 2014. Schizostachyum longinternodium (poaceae: Bambusoideae), a new species from yunnan, china. Phytotaxa 184: 155-159.
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Chen J, Xia NH, Zhao JT, Chen JJ, Henny RJ. 2013. Chromosome numbers and ploidy levels of chinese curcuma species. Hortscience 48: 525-530.
Goh WL, Chandran S, Franklin DC, Isagi Y, Koshy KC, Sungkaew S, Yang HQ, Xia NH, Wong KM. 2013. Multi-gene region phylogenetic analyses suggest reticulate evolution and a clade of australian origin among paleotropical woody bamboos (poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 299: 239-257.
Nguyen VT, Xia NH, Nguyen HN, Le VL. 2013. Three large-stature bamboo species of dendrocalamus (poaceae: Bambusoideae) from northern vietnam. Blumea 57: 253-262.
Nguyen VT, Xia NH. 2013. A new bamboo species of dendrocalamus nees (poaceae: Bambusoideae) from yen bai and phu tho provinces, vietnam. Adansonia 35: 55-60.
Nguyen VT, Vu VD, Xia NH. 2013. Dendrocalamus longiligulatus sp nov (poaceae: Bambusoideae) from son la, dien bien province, vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 31: 607-611.
Tran VT, Xia NH, Nguyen VT. 2013. Schizostachyum nghianum (poaceae: Bambusoideae), a new species from vietnam. Blumea 57: 300-302.
Tran VT, Nguyen HN, Xia NH. 2013. Annamocalamus h. N. Nguyen, n.-h. Xia & v. T. Tran, a new genus of bamboo (poaceae) from vietnam. Candollea 68: 159-165.
Xu BQ, Xia NH, Hao G. 2013. Saussurea bijiangensis (asteraceae), a new species from yunnan, china. Annales Botanici Fennici 50: 103-106.
Xu BQ, Hao G, Xia NH. 2013. Saussurea wenchengiae (asteraceae), a new species from qinghai, china. Annales Botanici Fennici 50: 83-86.
Zheng CH, Xia NH, Deng YF. 2013. Ampelocalamus stoloniformis, a new combination for chinese bambusoideae (poaceae). Phytotaxa 135: 62-63.
Zhou W, Huang YS, Xia NH. 2013. Reinstatement of the name lithocarpus longinux (fagaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 31: 186-189.
Nguyen HN, Xia NH, Tran VT. 2012. Gigantochloa multifloscula sp nov (poaceae: Bambusoideae), a new species from vietnam. Adansonia 34: 53-58.
Nguyen VT, Le VL, Vu VD, Xia NH. 2012. Dendrocalamus velutinus n.-h. Xia, v. T. Nguyen & v. D. Vu (poaceae), a new species from vietnam. Candollea 67: 255-259.
Wang Jun, Xia NH. 2012. Ardisia crenata complex (primulaceae) studies using morphological and molecular data. In: Mworia J ed. Botany: InTech.
Zeng SJ, Wu KL, da Silva JAT, Zhang JX, Chen ZL, Xia NH, Duan J. 2012. Asymbiotic seed germination, seedling development and reintroduction of paphiopedilum wardii sumerh., an endangered terrestrial orchid. Scientia Horticulturae 138: 198-209.
Zhou W, Xia NH. 2012. Leaf epidermal features of lithocarpus (fagaceae) from china and their systematic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 168: 216-228.
Chen J, Xia NH. 2011. Pollen morphology of chinese curcuma l. And boesenbergia kuntz (zingiberaceae): Taxonomic implications. Flora 206: 458-467.
Guo YB, Xia NH, Lin RS. 2011. Dendrocalamus exauritus, a new combination (poaceae: Bambusoideae). Annales Botanici Fennici 48: 174-176.
Vu QN, Xia NH, Sima YK. 2011. Manglietia crassifolia (magnoliaceae), a new species from vietnam. Novon 21: 375-379.
Nguyen VT, Xia NH, Le VL. 2011. Dendrocalamus parvigemma sp. Nov. (gramineae: Bambusoideae) from vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 221-223.
Goh WL, Chandran S, Lin RS, Xia NH, Wong KM. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships among southeast asian climbing bamboos (poaceae bambusoideae) and the bambusa complex. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38: 764-773.
Guo YB, Lin RS, Xia NH. 2010. Dendrocalamus menglongensis sp. Nov. (poaceae-bambusoideae) from yunnan, china. Nordic Journal of Botany 28: 506-508.
Vu QN, Xia NH. 2010. Manglietia sapaensis n. H. Xia & q. N. Vu sp nov (magnoliaceae) from vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany 28: 294-297.
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Vu QN, Xia NH. 2011. Magnolia bidoupensis (magnoliaceae), a new species from vietnam. Annales Botanici Fennici 48: 525-527.
曹丽敏, 王志新, 曹明, 刘健晖, 林琼, 夏念和. 2014. 中国无患子科植物的叶脉形态及其系统学意义. 植物分类与资源学报: 419-432.
曾宋君, 夏念和, 陈之林, 吴坤林, 段俊. 2011. 国产兜兰属植物观赏价值评价及其在华南地区的应用前景分析. 中国野生植物资源: 9-13+35.
曾翼, 夏念和, 林汝顺. 2014. 中国云南巨竹属一新种. 植物分类与资源学报: 581-584.
丁长春, 李蕾, 夏念和. 2011. 多花兰的离体萌发和试管成苗技术研究. 安徽农业科学: 3837-3838.
丁长春, 李蕾, 夏念和. 2011. 硬叶兜兰的无菌播种和试管成苗. 北方园艺: 115-117.
丁长春, 方向京, 赵艳丽, 李贵祥, 李涛, 王元忠, 夏念和. 2014. 近红外漫反射光谱法快速鉴别石斛属植物. 光谱学与光谱分析: 82-86.
郭永兵, 夏念和. 2010. 国产牡竹属野龙竹和版纳甜龙竹的订正. 热带亚热带植物学报: 133-136.
李婧, 夏念和. 2011. 广东省五节芒遗传多样性的issr分析. 热带亚热带植物学报: 506-512.
李丽文, 夏念和. 2010. 娃儿藤属(萝藦科)植物花粉器形态. 热带亚热带植物学报: 650-654.
廉超, 冯云, 周建梅, 冉洪, 张莹, 夏念和, 傅金和, 郭起荣. 2014. 非洲竹区竹种类、资源与产业调查. 世界林业研究: 75-82.
裴洪光, 武进正, 陈世柏, 夏念和. 2013. 越南木樨科植物新记录(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 343-346.
阮氏青香, 阮进侠, 陈氏方英, 武进正, 童毅华, 夏念和. 2014. 越南杜鹃花科新记录——深裂树萝卜(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 143-146.
童毅华, 夏念和. 2013. 杜鹃花科vaccinium wardii adamson的订正(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 339-342.
童毅华, 彭权森, 夏念和. 2014. 香港桦木科一新种——香港鹅耳枥(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 121-124.
王军, 夏念和. 2011. 缅甸杜茎山属(杜茎山科)一新变种(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 225-227.
王军, 夏念和. 2013. 朱砂根复合群形态性状的数量分析. 热带亚热带植物学报: 543-548.
王军, 夏念和. 2013. 中国紫金牛属的分支分类学研究. 热带亚热带植物学报: 549-559.
王军, 夏念和. 2013. 缅甸紫金牛属新记录. 热带亚热带植物学报: 229-230.
王维兴, 夏念和. 2014. 越南壳斗科植物新记录种(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 138-142.
武光南, 夏念和. 2010. 越南木兰科植物新记录(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 43-46.
武光南, 夏念和. 2011. 越南拟单性木兰属一新组合(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 313-316.
武光南, 夏念和. 2011. 越南植物michelia tonkinensis(木兰科)的模式考订(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 549-553.
武光南, 夏念和, 裴世山. 2010. 越南木兰科植物新记录(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 661-664.
武进正, 夏念和. 2012. 越南防己科植物新记录(英文). 热带亚热带植物学报: 236-238.
许炳强, 郑朝汉, 童毅华, 周伟, 夏念和. 2013. 风毛菊属雪兔子亚属瘦果形态及其分类学意义. 植物分类与资源学报: 253-264.
叶静, 黄茂俊, 蔡卫群, 韦强, 夏念和. 2010. 菊科栽培植物黄莺花的核型分析. 热带亚热带植物学报: 49-53.
于慧, 夏念和, 胡晓颖. 2011. 中国鼠李科植物的叶表皮微形态. 热带亚热带植物学报: 16-25.
钟义, 夏念和. 2010. 国产润楠属植物的叶表皮特征及其系统学意义. 热带亚热带植物学报: 109-121.
周伟, 夏念和. 2011. 我国壳斗科植物资源——尚待开发的宝库. 林业资源管理: 93-96+100.
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